Here is a patient of mine, Grainger Hines, who is an actor currently appearing on the Cinemax show “The Knick”, describing his experience undergoing his hair transplant procedure.
I hope you enjoy watching.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, M.D.
Last week I was on Good Morning America discussing eyebrow transplants. Two of my patients were also featured in the segment discussing their results and how they have changed their appearance for the positive.
I hope you enjoy watching.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, M.D.
Today I want to discuss FUE otherwise known as follicular unit extraction. All Hair Transplant surgeons are not created equal and certainly all surgeons performing FUE are not created equal. There are many different devices on the market used to harvest FUE grafts ranging from the Artas Robot, to the Neograft, to motorized hand held punches to manual punches. After doing extensive research into all the different devices I opted to use the SAFE system which is a dull tip motorized punch to harvest my FUE grafts. Because FUE involves harvesting a follicle (with a typical diameter small than 1mm, and the base of the follicle below the skin which you cannot see when harvesting) it requires a tremendous amount of skill on behalf of the person performing the harvest. In my practice I harvest every follicle personally. I will post a photo of my FUE grafts that I harvested yesterday. What you can see in the photo is that each and every graft in completely intact with the entire follicle and a small amount of tissue surrounding the follicle as well. This is crucial to the graft survival and a key reason why so many patient’s do not get the results they hope for with FUE. Not all FUE surgeons are created equal and it is very important to do your proper research before deciding to have FUE with a specific surgeon. In experienced hands FUE can be an amazing procedure.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, MD
Today, I will demonstrate a patient who came to me after he underwent the strip harvest procedure from another physician and his donor scar was wider than he expected and he could no longer wear his hair at the short length he wanted. In some cases these wide scars can be revised by excising them and closing them again under less tension than they were previously closed. In this case, the physician who performed the original procedure had already attempted to revise the donor scar and was unsuccessful in reducing it’s size.
I recommended to the patient that I perform Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) by harvesting follicles ones by one with a special tool and then placing these harvested follicles into the strip scar to cover it with hair. Here are the results after 9 months. It made a significant difference to the donor scar and the patient is very happy as he can now wear his hair shorter and not be conscious of his wide donor scar. I have treated a large number of patients like this and it remains a good option for those with wide donor scars who wish to wear their hair shorter.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, MD
swordmedical.com provides expert information about hair transplantation and hair loss in men and women.
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