Info: FUE Hair Transplant Beverly Hills, CA
This is a new technique where we harvest each hair follicle individually with a special tool that resembles a drill with the bit ranging in size from .8mm, .9mm, 1mm. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to this Follicular Unit Extraction procedure and Dr. Dauer and review them all with you so that you can make an informed and educated decision as to which method is best for you.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is an effective process by which to obtain new hair follicles in the bald or thininng area. This is a different process than traditional strip harvesting. The survival of the follicular units after being extracted from the scalp is a key variable in the success of the hair transplantation. One benefit of FUE harvesting is that the donor area heals quickly and allows the hair in that area to be styled in a short manner.
Category: FUE Hair Transplant Beverly Hills, CA
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