Dr. Marc Dauer is a leader in the field of Hair Transplant procedures utilizing Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation to create completely natural results for thousands of patients worldwide. Dr. Dauer graduated with honors from New York Medical College and trained in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery at UCLA Medical Center. Dr. Dauer received specialized training in the field of Hair Transplant Surgery and has been a published author in textbooks and medical publications in the field of Hair Restoration Surgery.
Dr. Dauer is also a frequent contributor to the media in the field of Hair Restoration most recently appearing as the medical expert in Hair Restoration on the Emmy award winning show “The Doctors”. Dr. Dauer is also a teaching faculty member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine routinely conducting teaching conferences for physicians worldwide instructing them in the art of Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation. Dr. Dauer is Board Certified by the American Board Of Hair Restoration Surgery and is on the executive board of the American Board Of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Dauer is also a member of the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons and a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Dauer is also recommended by the American Hair Loss Association.
We feel the ultimate way to be great at something is to focus on it. That is why our practice is dedicated exclusively to Hair Restoration. Our goal is to achieve the greatest density possible in a completely natural result for each and every patient. This goal is realized by formulating a treatment plan that is completely individualized for each and every patient. There are many factors that must be taken into account when putting together a plan for Hair Restoration. These include the skin to hair color contrast, age of the patient, character, caliber, and type of the patient’s hair, the patient’s styling goals, and the ratio of available donor hair in relation to the area in need of coverage or increased density. The most important thing is to always do what is best for the patient and create realistic goals and expectations that can be met, and hopefully exceeded.
Creating a natural hairline is one of the most important factors in Hair Transplantation. The art of creating a natural hairline is not one that is just taught, it must be learned by years of experience and can be greatly aided by a strong artistic eye. Only single hairs should be found in a transplanted hairline and it must be created in an irregular fashion so as not to draw any attention to any linear or straight lines that do not appear in nature on typical hairlines. The same factors must also be applied to other areas of the scalp including the crown, where transplanted hair must grow in naturally with any pre existing hair in those regions. This can mean recreating a whirl that may be present.
We are conservative in our approach to Hair Restoration. The rule all physicians must live by is “above all do no harm to the patient”. In order to abide by this and offer our patients the best care possible it is sometime necessary to create a plan that includes more than a single procedure or a more conservative hairline. These steps can take into account future hair loss, or create greater density in the areas transplanted.
Everything we do is geared towards the singular goal of achieving the most natural results possible in a safe and comfortable manner.
Our office provides maximum comfort to our patients. We have satellite television, wifi, and a large movie library to keep you entertained during your procedure. We also serve lunch during our procedures and can cater to all your special dietary needs. Our goal is to make your procedure as comfortable as possible.
swordmedical.com provides expert information about hair transplantation and hair loss in men and women.
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